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Premium Hair Oil

Regular Price: ₹799.00

Special Price ₹650.00

Replenish Anti Acne Serum

Regular Price: ₹999.00

Special Price ₹899.00

Daily Shampoo Vanilla

Regular Price: ₹449.00

Special Price ₹399.00

Satsuma Shower Gel

Regular Price: ₹439.00

Special Price ₹399.00

Invigorating Skin Lightening Serum

Regular Price: ₹1,349.00

Special Price ₹999.00

Ageverse Anti Aging Serum

Regular Price: ₹1,199.00

Special Price ₹999.00

Green Cucumber Toner

Regular Price: ₹389.00

Special Price ₹349.00


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Basil oil is widely used to prevent hair loss and soothe an itchy scalp. Its antibacterial and antifungal nature helps to heal scalp infections
Clary sage
Clary sage oil is extremely helpful for a dry scalp; it tames the frizz and keeps it manageable. It assists in hair growth and also helps control dandruff.
Cucumber contains vitamin C and caffeic acid that help cool the skin and combat irritation, inflammation and redness. Being high in water content, it gives the skin a healthy glow.
Eucalyptus oil when used on the hair, stimulates blood follicles and accelerates hair growth. It improves the health of your hair and makes it shiny, lustrous and thick.
Geranium flower oil regulates the secretion of sebum in your scalp and balances the oil content. The oil balancing property of geranium oil makes it a great option for both dry and oily hair.
Green tea
Green tea contains catechins which are powerful antioxidants that help give your skin a healthy glow. It also contains bacteria-fighting properties that help reduce pimples. Green tea also tones the skin by shrinking large pores.
Being a humectant, honey attracts moisture from the environment and helps retain it within the skin. This makes the skin extremely soft and supple. Since it is antimicrobial in nature, it helps destroys acne-causing bacteria too!
Juniper berry
Juniper berry oil promotes hair growth and improves the texture of your hair by detoxifying your scalp. It also maintains the oil balance of the scalp and moisturises it without making it greasy.
Lavender oil is a soothing oil that helps with various skin conditions such as wrinkles, inflammation, redness and even psoriasis. It speeds up the healing process of the skin by assisting in the formation of scar tissue. Its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties nourish the skin and help combat acne.
Lemon is rich in vitamin C which is extremely crucial for the growth and strengthening of hair. The citric acid in lemon prevents build-up and keeps excess oiliness and greasiness at bay.
Lemon grass
Lemongrass is anti-fungal and antibacterial in nature owing to citral, an organic compound found in the leaf of this plant. It keeps bacteria and infections at bay. It helps soothe the skin and reduces the appearance of large pores.
Olive oil
Considered to be nature’s best conditioner, olive oil locks in a generous amount of moisture into the skin to keep it hydrated. It contains antioxidants and hydrating squalane (an oil which occurs naturally in our bodies, also found in olives, that which makes the oil extremely hydrating and absorbent) which helps tame extremely dry, peeling skin.
High in citric acid, orange peel extract helps rejuvenate the skin and reduces inflammation. It also helps shrink pores, remove excess dirt and grime, unclog pores and dry out acne.
The oil of the rosemary herb is used to help aide hair growth. It soothes the scalp and acts as a natural hair darkener by reversing premature greying. It also unclogs hair follicles and helps eliminate dandruff.
Shea butter
Shea butter is extremely hydrating thanks to its rich fatty acid content. Continued use of shea butter also reduces scars and helps the skin heal faster. It’s recommended for extremely dry and dehydrated skin.
Soya bean extract
Organic soya bean extract reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and slows down the process of ageing. It contains phytoestrogens that help produce estrogen in the body, one of the hormones responsible for your skin’s elasticity.
Tamarind seed extract contains hyaluronic acid that keeps skin healthy and moisturised. It also helps reduce fine lines, wrinkles and signs of ageing. Tamarind seeds are also used to heal harsh rashes and boost skin’s elasticity.
Tea Tree
Being a natural toner, tea tree helps open up clogged pores and firm the skin. It also regulates the production of sebum and keeps acne-causing bacteria at bay.
Vetiver oil is extremely beneficial in reducing the appearance of dark spots on the skin. It moisturises, tightens and evens out the skin tone. Its antioxidants help protect the skin from damage.
Kakadu plum
Kakadu plum is the richest source of vitamin C.This contains vitamin C even more than orange, kiwi fruit and chili pepper. So it is the most essential antioxidant that slows down the aging process. It helps to form proline, an amino acid that makes collagen. It also has gallic acid that acts as an astringent, antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial agent. It is grown in the top end of Northern Australia.
Caviar lime
Caviar lime or finger lime is the fruit of a shrub called microcitrusaustralasica, native to the rainforest of the Australian east coast. It produces beautiful small green to purple lemons. The pulp contains amazing pearly white, green or pink capsules with similar shape to caviar. It is a natural source of AHAs.
Red clover
Red clover has long been used to treat irritating skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and rashes. There is research showing that Red Clover can retard the process of skin aging due to its estrogen-like effects, helping to maintain youthful and vibrant skin.
Canadian willowherb
Canadian willowherb acts as a soothing agent, antioxidant and anti-acne agent. It soothes acne-prone skin and reduces erythema induced by chemicals and UV (within 30 minutes of use). Used in sebum regulation, acne-prone skin, soothing, anti-inflammatory and sensitive skin.
IT grows in the northern Canadian Prairies region. This abundant plant is easily recognized by its hallmark deep-rust colored seed heads glowing across the fields from early summer through late fall. It has good skin lightening properties.


"Mystique organics foaming cleanser is awesome!! I have a combination skin which at times turns very oily. This cleanser not only helps get out of dirt but also in controlling the oil in your skin, which in turn improves the complexion of your skin. I am using this product for more than six months and am sure in love with it. "
- Jayesh Khatri - , 2019
"I had developed sun spots on my face so tried this mystique organics skin lightening serum because it had organic vitamin C. I applied it at both day and night time and within a few days I could see a visible difference, the redness has reduced and the skin feels moist and soft. Will use it continuously for a month and update the result"
- Monika Shah - , 2019
"Mystique organics foaming cleanser is awesome!! I have a combination skin which at times turns very oily. This cleanser not only helps get out of dirt but also in controlling the oil in your skin, which in turn improves the complexion of your skin. I am using this product for more than six months and am sure in love with it. "
- Yogesh Patel - , 2019